Why Michael Jordan Does Not Give A Crap About You
In America we tend to give so much relevance to celebrities and sports figures. We want to live like them, have what they have and wear what they wear.
We even go as far as dropping over 200 dollars on a pair of sneakers that provide no value whatsoever.
Let me ask you something?
What has Michael Jordan down for you that you feel like dropping 200 or more dollars on a pair of sneakers made by some 8 year old kid in a sweat box in some shit hole of a country. A pair of sneakers that most likely are not even worth the amount you pay for.
Let me ask you another question?
What has he done for others who are not as rich as he is? Has he helped his fellow people go to school, help them learn a trade so that they to can rise up from the gutter and be someone as well?
From what I can see, he has not done anything for anyone. So why give Michael Jordan and Nike your hard earned money for a product that in reality has no value?
Why not invest those 200 dollars on something with value? You could take a class, you can probably buy a share of stock or even start a business with it among other things. Don’t be a fool! You want to be like Michael Jordan? Then put in the work that it takes to be the best at what you do everyday and maybe one day you too will be big like Michael Jordan or whatever celebrity you are into.
When you put in the work you too will have others look up to you. Don’t believe me just look at Victor Pride, Mike Cernovich, Matt Forney and even Aaron Clarey. These guys put in the work to get to where they are now! Long hours, sacrifice and dedication that most of us wished we had and have made themselves into household names! And these guys are not giving their knowledge for a fee but for free!
So you tell me, has Michael or any other celebrity ever helped you personally? Why not comment below and let me know! Sent from my iPhone
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