Maybe its just me but have you noticed that the people that are very smart tend to not really make use of their lives effectively?
By that I mean that if they are so smart then why are they working for someone else rather than themselves?
Yet the (not to offend anyone here) people that build businesses and become powerful tend not to be as smart as those Intelligent people who have invented great things!
Could it be that they are so smart that they get stuck in deciding whether or not they should do their own thing? Or are they scared to be viewed as a fool if they fail.
Maybe those very Intelligent people do not know anything else except what is in their field of study. Which brings me to believe that intelligent people are more specialists than Generalists.
Which is why college professors stay in academia because they cannot hack the real world.
That’s not to say that there are a few that have broken their fear and struck out on their own which is great! Still though I think its a small group of people that have their own business.
I guess those less intelligent have no fear because their ignorance allows them to move and take risks.
While the intelligent people plan from the beginning all the way into the future and in the end never realizing their full potential.
I have worked with many intelligent people In my day and unfortunately most are just a bunch of average guys.
Like most average guys they are happy food the same thing as everyone else. Working the same job for years, house, car, maybe a girlfriend or wife and some kids.
Its the same thing day I and day out! Its like a schedule and for many they are happy with this bullshit scenario.
The intelligent complain about their bosses and how stupid they are. Yet the less intelligent person is the one calling the shots.
Another thing that differs from the intelligent to the less intelligent is that the most intelligent is scared of what the future holds for them.
Fear attacks everyone! No one is spared!
But fear is something that is much more profound when you have read about it and know how crippling it can be.
Much like the story of Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Where the poor dad was a teacher who could barely make ends meet and the Rich Man who was less intelligent was very Rich!
When I read the book I could not believe that Robert’s Dad was poor even though he was a big shot in the school system. Money wise he was dumb as fuck!
I don’t know but that is what I’m seeing from where I stand.
I guess in order to strike out on your own you have to be a little dumb. Or maybe intelligence depends whether what field is the intelligent person is in and are not intelligent in every matter just one.
I’m asking you now! What do you think?? Please Comment!
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