Hello there my friend and congratulations on deciding to go to College. During this time you will spend your time loving life and your freedom. Learning about life and your field of study. But before you pack your bags and go forth into the future and your life there will be a few things that you will need to do before you go forth and wander the Halls of Education.
You see there are a lot of things that you should prepare yourself before you start off on your journey! Things that will sneak up on you if you are not careful and it will cost you much time and money!
You see I too went to college just like you the only difference between me and you is that I knew what to expect before I went ahead and got my degree. Like most people we think that because we have a college degree that the jobs will come flying in! That once you get hired you will be making six figures and all of that nonsense those advisers have been telling you.
So since they are not going to tell you what you need to know I’m going to go ahead and tell you what you need to do and how I was able to find a job quickly.
I’m not going to bullshit you and tell you that the economy is great and all that because its not. You guys are going to hustle really hard to get a job after college these days!
During your school years you will hear many positive things that will happen once you are out in the world earning a living and how all of the doors will open to you and how all you have to do is show up!
It is not how the real world works! Showing up will never ever be enough for you to get a job after college. You will have to compete with many other people out there competing for the same position as you.
How are you going to stand out from the crowd?
Let me show you how!
1. Read The Book “Worthless” Written By Aaron Clarey:
My fellow future College Graduate if you need information on how it really is going to be when you are in college then you need to read “Worthless” written by Aaron Clarey. This book is like a guide book on what you need to be aware of before you decide to go to College. In it you will read about the tactics that college advisers use to make you sign. The tricks and tactics to make you believe in the nonsense and let me tell you these college advisers are really good at selling. You will learn how to figure out financial aid and whether or not it will be worth the time to sign your name on the dotted line.
And of course he also goes on to tell you how if you want to get a job after college that you will need to go in a field of study that is in demand today. Yes too many of you are looking for a easy ride and not do too much work in getting a degree. The problem with that is that there will be a whole lot of people with the same degree trying to get a job in an already not demanding field.
Why spend thousands of dollars needlessly? Why not invest in “Worthless” and learn the truth.
2. Getting A Degree In A Field That Is In Demand:
You may have a degree in hand and are ready to get a job after college you find out months after that you are still jobless and broke. You ask your self why this is happening since they told you that all you needed to do is show up. No the reason why no one is knocking at your door is because you got a degree in a field that is not in demand. If you care for your education and look at it as an investment then you need to do your homework and research what fields are in demand.
Due your research and use Google like you are supposed to use it and research. When your degree is in demand you will get hired more quickly rather than another person with a plain degree in a field that is not in demand.
Also you need to realize that there is a huge college degree saturation that unless your degree is in demand you will lose all of your negotiating power since there thousands of other people with the same degree.
Why spend all of that money in loans only to find out that you cannot even get a job anywhere and even if you do yo will still be making practically nothing! Why do that?
Once you decide what field you decide to go in that is in demand the next step is this!
3. Learn To Write Up A Resume:
I began to learn how to write resumes when I was a junior in high school. They actually taught us how to write one up and what you should add to it as well as writing cover letters. I knew how to write up resumes once I got into college.
One time I was in a class and the professor wanted us students to write up a resume and I noticed something funny? Most of the people in the class did not know how to write up a resume! A RESUME! Something that should be the first thing to be taught to all students who go to college or university. They split us into groups and handed us a piece of paper. I looked at the paper waiting for someone to take charge of the group and get this going instead all I say was some dumb founded faces.
So I went ahead and took charge of the group and with a pen in hand I began to draw up a simple resume template. I made the “OBJECTIVE” box and then the “EDUCATION” box and then the “WORK HISTORY” box. I let the others add to the skills as i did not want them to feel left out. It took us ten minutes to draw up a resume from a rough draft to a nice and polished resume!
The professor called on each group and each group showed what they have done.
They were horrible! They looked like the resume was all over the place! I mean come on! We are in college how do you think this is a good resume? It was our turn I stood up and showed our resume and the professor was impressed! She asked me how did you do that?? How were you able to build that up?
I told her that I learned how to build and write up a resume by reading books on how to write a resume.
You have to read some books on how to write up resumes! If you are not a book reader that is not a problem as you have the internet to help you how to create one.
4. Using The Online Job Boards:
After a few years you get that degree and are ready with resume in hand to find work! But where do you do and find work? Before you had to check the newspaper job classifieds and hope that you could get a job from that. Now a days its extremely easy for anyone to look for a job as all you have to do is look towards your computer and place your resume on the job boards.
There are many Online job Boards out there for anyone to use! The main ones that i use mostly are:
Job Boards should be the first thing you should use once you graduated college and are looking to get a job after college. My advice is that before you even graduate you should already have an account with each of these Job Boards as well as you resume. you never know when some Hiring Manager may come along and see your resume and likes what he see and calls you! You have nothing to lose by doing this.
Also while you are doing the Job Boards you should go ahead and check out the classifieds in Craigslist and Back Page. These classifieds are constantly updated practically everyday! You might get lucky there as well.
5. Networking:
This is the time when everyone is connect to Social Media! Unfortunately the majority of the people who use Social Media have no clue on how to use it. The enormous advantage that young people have today can put them head by leaps and bounds from others a few years back. Social Media can help you keep in touch with friends and family if that is the case then why not start some networking and begin to meet people who are in your field?
Why not hit up some friends, or college friends and ask them of they can help you get a job. Tell them that you are looking for a new job and if they hear anything to let you know. Cover all of your angles!
6. Use Temp Agencies As A Stepping Stone:
When I first got a job after college I got picked up by a Temp Agency and was quickly put to work in field. This was a great opportunity for me at the time because that was the beginning of my work history. They usually will hire you on the spot if they need some who has a certain skill they are looking for their client.
They will contract you out to other corporations who need a person with a specific skill set. Temp Agency pay is not bad as you will not be making mininum wage which is good for a single person. The only thing the sucks is that most agencies do not provide Medical nor Dental Insurance and that is not a good deal if you are a person with a family.
And while you are in the Temp Agency you will be working in your field gaining the experience you need so that you can move on to bigger and better things and maybe get yourself some Head Hunters
7. Head Hunters Are Not Evil!
Head Hunters have a bad rap in the work world as most people never really have any luck with them or are not happy with their speed of service. But let me tell you they are important which is why its a booming business! These guys have connections with great companies and if you have the right skills it can get you in for a interview. I have used Head Hunters from time to time and I was always called to go and interviewed for a position in your field.
But you will get a ton of calls once you put your resume on the job boards. You will get calls from them wanting to meet with you and you should meet with them as you have nothing else to do at least they might have some client who is looking for a person with your skill set. You see if I’m not mistaken they make a commission each time they get someone a job!
Always keep their number on your cell and become familiar with the Head Hunter that is dealing with you. He or She is your ally and they are their to help you! So use them!
8. Your Updated Resume:
My friend even if you use all of these tactics and strategies you still have to keep you resume up to date and floating around in the internet. Always be ready to jump ship the minute you see another opportunity pop up or the you have grown tired of the position. An update resume will help you from wasting time as you will have no reason to do some last minute updating!
In Conclusion:
These days having a degree is not enough! You have to get out there and hustle hard to get that job as the working world its every man for themselves and you have to be ready at all times for the day you get fired or let go!
Stop laying around hoping for a job you gotta go out there and get it!
Do you have other tactics and strategies to get a job? Why not let us know and help us out by commenting below
The post 8 Strategies On How To Get A Job After College! appeared first on Helping Men Find Themselves.