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Who Are You Really?


On a snowy Saturday morning I was online reading emails as well as working since I’m on-call this week which sucks! Anyway while I was checking my Gmail I saw that Mike has written a new post which has made me think about how the majority of people never really stop to think “Who Are You?”. Why are you in this world? What are the goals you need to fulfill in your life to live the life you always wanted to live!

After I read his post I felt that I needed to comment and so I did and it was a long comment as I felt that that post resonated with me. Why did it resonate with me because I have been trying to figure out the Who Are You? question for a long time! My quest in looking for the answer of the Who Are You? question has taken me and life through numerous failures as well as many successes. Its true that you will not achieve anything meaningful in life if you just sit there and hope that Lady Destiny will give you what you need. But Lady Destiny is easily distracted and there are many other people vying for her attention as they wave and yell.

Waving and yelling above everyone is not how you can change your destiny! You will need to approach Lady Destiny and tug on her dress just like a child who wants their Mothers attention. This means that you have to make the first move if you want your life to be better and full of positivity.
As easy as it sounds there are still many people out there who live their lives unfulfilled whose life is in shambles and do nothing to change it for the better. To be honest although I will probably get hate comments but Money is not the end be all in life. How many people have I not known who are wealthy and still take medications so that they can get through a regular day? I’m sure you know many people like that just like I do.

To find the answer of “Who Are You?” you will need to grab a shovel and dig deep into your inner soul! On the way you recover old scars of events that you chose to forget or never let go. You continue to dig past your failures and your successes and deeper and deeper you go. You will begin to wonder if the question of “Who Are You?” is really worth it. I’m here to tell you that it is worth it and you should keep digging until you find it! It may take a day or years like me!

I know for me since I have first began finding the answer of the “Who Are You?” question I was extremely naïve of the world around me. It was not until one day I woke up to a beautiful day and my inner voice asked me that question “Who Are You?”. To me that question at first made no sense as I did not know where to begin! But as time moved forth that question became clearer and clearer to me. Then at that time I had to begin the momentous work laid out in front of me.

Why am I here?

Can I change my life to the way I want it to be?

How long will it take for me to reach my happiness?

Is there any meaning to this and why we are here today?

What is my life goal?

Those were the questions I have asked myself for a very long time. But since then I have figured out something and that is that you and only you can change your life! Life is malleable and you can bend it and stretch it every which way you feel but first you have to learn to use your mallet and bang out your boundaries! Which is why I mean that life is malleable as it can be stretched and formed to the way you want your life to be. Unfortunately though changing your life for the better requires the person to want to change! You see past conditioning will make you believe that the life you are living right now is the life you deserve.

They will make you believe that sitting around and hoping for something to happen will happen! I’m writing to tell you that is all a bunch of hokey! You do not have to accept the life you have been given! You can take the life you have been given and make it better than it was before! No one has taught you that because they either are ignorant of it or they do not want you to become intelligent enough to figure it out.

Life is like a large tree that has many branches pushing out. Each branch is an opportunity that can change your life for the better or worse but each time you can change the outcome if you only take the time to see it in your mind then do it! For example when you are in school they tell you that you that when you finish secondary school that your next approach is going to college. Most people never questioned the path as if Life is just a long highway with no exits to better opportunities.

I remember thinking about that when I was younger and wondering why do they push college so much? Everyone is different and yet the powers that be all want us to fit into a certain mold they think is better for you!

In reality though not everyone will fit that mold! As I figured out myself that they were just pushing an agenda that will only benefit them and not you. While finding myself I saw through the façade that most of my peers did not see. I even was called out on it when my so-called Guidance Counselor ripped me a new one and reminded me of how going to college and getting a degree is important and why going to the military was as stupid move. From her conditioned point of view my choice went against the grain from what everyone else was doing and irritated her to no end! Why was she so against me doing my own thing? It is because I chose to do my own thing at an early age of 17 years. A time where most of my peers were led around like cattle in the school system.

I’m sure there are a lot of people who think the same way as me. That life is neither black nor white but more of a grey as both the black and the white never really define themselves only mix with one another.

So I’m going to try to answer the question “Who Are You?”

I’m a man who is constantly wondering on how to make my life better as well as to be a better man to myself and to those around me. I’m a free thinker who tends to sit in the dark and ponders ideas and thoughts that came to me or have read somewhere and try to fit them in my life. I’m a family man who will do anything for my kin including even to give my life if need be. Fear is a constant enemy as throughout my whole life we are at War with one another. My love is well hidden from the spears of others who tend to do me harm, only a lucky few have really experienced the real me. I’m a man who will help those who need help. I’m a man who at times feels alone in the world even though I have people who love me at times that loneliness tends to creep in. My emotions run me ragged as one minute I feel wonderful then feel like crap the next!

At times letting my aggression out on people when they themselves had nothing to do with it. I tend to dwell on negative things that has happened in the past though I feel that I have moved on it still creeps back into my mind. I’m a man who believes that there is a higher being that is above us and I speak to him every night! I’m a man who believes that institutions like Religion, Education etc are there to not help you but to divide you from your true life. I’m a man who believes that everyone should get a second chance and a second chance only anymore than that then you are weak.

I can go on and on and these are the things that I have learned over the years just by observing and reading.

Life is a wonderful thing as I continue to learn from others on how to live a good life and at 43 I’m still learning and I assume will continue to learn until the day comes when it is time for me to leave. Always question everything and find out the real answers for yourself. Life is not one sided but has many sides which is why you need to look at yourself and the world around you and ask yourself “Who Are You?”

If you want to read the post that Mike wrote in his blog Danger and Play you can click here!

Who are you really? Do you know? If so please comment below and let me know!

The post Who Are You Really? appeared first on Helping Men Find Themselves.

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