Why Today’s Eager Collectivist Society Hates The Individual
In America we all like to be known as an Individual who can make his or her decisions on everything that pertains in their lives.
But are we really Individuals?
What happens when an Individual goes against a Collectivist Society’s ideas and goals? Well that person will be ridiculed and not taken seriously.
Why is that? Its because we live in a collectivist society where groups and not individuals is what matters. Just look around at what America is turning itself into! Everyone taking sides with one group or another. Democrat and Republican, Trump and Hillary, you get where I’m going with this.
And if you decided to express your opinion on certain groups and their leaders you can either get jumped or have your life turned upside down.
Why have people lost their Individuality?
Reason being is that we have all been conformed to believe that the group and not the Individual is what is important. Even if the groups ideas are not something you believe in you will still join only because you have been taught that your feelings, thoughts as well as your views do not matter so the group will give you theirs and in time you too will believe.
To be an individual in society these days tends to make a person a target for those that carry the Collectivist mind. Point in being and I will make a referrence to Trump and the people that support since he is the one being most talked about.
I’m sure there are a lot of his supporters who most likely do not agree with everything he says but since they see their friends as well as other like minded people who are frustrated, angry as well as scared they too will follow the herd to the slaughter house. Dare you speak up against their views and you too will become a victim of assault. Yes I understand that there are people that are angry. But in reality if they wanted to become better all they had to do was to change their mindset and achieve it.
Why would you want a stranger tell you how to live your life when you can live it just fine on your own? I mean you have made this far didn’t you?
This Collectivist Agenda that those in power are promoting will only continue to grow as time passes. As the elites decide that it is time to become a One Global Government! When that does happen you can kiss your individuality good bye! Individualism will be looked upon as something people did back in the days much like the word “Freedom” which is used constantly by those in power and carries no weight anymore. An Individual who lives in a Collectivist Society is a danger to that society and those that believe in the Collectivist Society.
Corporations are pushing to destroy the individual and promote a Collecivist Society those in power as well as the Politicians are promoting this so they can better control you through the group rather than individually.
You do not have to believe me as you can read an article here which talks about individualism and Collectivism
Become aware of your surroundings and question everyone and everything! Ask yourself how does it benefit me and the rest will follow!
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