The Tragedy Of Achievers and Producers.
Achievers and Producers are the people who build and better society as a whole. For many years these people worked and toiled on ideas, ideologies, Technologies so that the rest of us can live a more comfortable and secure life.
Achievers and Producers built everything around us that we use in our day to day lives. These Achievers and Producers like Thomas Edison, Tesla and many others were able to change the world literally overnight! During their hey day these men were in everyone’s mouth and in all of the newspapers. People aspired and learned about their work and some went ahead and began making these achievers and producers inventions and making it better or even come out with a better alternative. Back in the day everyone wanted to be an achiever and producer and not a slacker or a consumer!
Fast forward into the future and present day you no longer hear of Achievers and Producers! Now its all about consumers buying this buying that. Little by little their brain begins to rot and become dumb since we no longer stimulate it with thoughts and ideas. Instead it just sits there inside your head and just controlling things like breathing and keeping you alive but nothing else.
I believe that within a few hundred years our Brains will grow smaller in size because there will be no need to have such a large Brain since the majority of the people do not even use it as much as they should.
Achievers and Producers are always thinking and building things and never really staying still to a point of being stagnant. They are the ones that give you Google and those Apple iPhones we hold so close to our hearts. Without people who are achievers and producers society will become stagnant.
Instead of putting the real Achievers and producers on a pedestal we instead put celebrities, Athletes and reality TV stars. People who do not really bring anything to the table as far as making society better. On the contrary these so called Celebrities, Athletes and Reality TV stars only bring out the worse out of us. It could be that MSM pushes these distractions to peoples views so that they are entertained and incapable of thinking. Achievers and Producers are put in the back so as not to interfere with the leftist agenda that says that everyone is the same and not different.
Could it be that people who are achievers and producers could quickly break the myth that everyone is “Equal?” and make others wake up from their hypnotic dream that is called the TV? Would people become embarrassed because they depend on others so much to tell them what to do? Little things that with a little training and learning they could do for themselves? Or could it be the people have become so lazy that they would much rather go through life and never really achieving or producing anything.
Knowledge is power but few actually take the time to learn and use it.
Just look around you have you noticed that there are very few achievers and producers? Are the schools not teaching children what they need to know to think freely? I believe they are not the only thing they are teaching is how to behave and learn just enough for you to do work and to follow the status quo. Yes folks the Education system is there to condition your children as well as you to follow those in Power and to never question them. Billions and billions of dollars are given to schools and yet our children come out not as smart as they are supposed to be. They are not going to take the time and help broaden these young children’s minds so that they can become better people. Instead they are conditioning them to become sheep and be herded.
They do not want achievers and producers as they become a danger to the society we have today. They want people to stay as sheep and not turn into Sheep Dogs to fight off the wolves. They cannot afford for the people to gain Power! They want docile people domesticated people, people who wake up every morning and go to a job like Ants who spend their entire lives working and never really achieving or producing anything themselves.
The only way to gain power in this society is for the person to become and have a self-reliant mentality. But the problem is people have been conditioned to depend on others to do things for them. Making us handicapped when the shit hits the fan! This keeps the people down because in their eyes it is scary to be facing the world alone. So every morning they get up and go to their jobs and work long hours for pittance pay. They make fun of those people who built up enough cojones to push themselves out and into the open. God will not save you from this Hell you created! You have to save yourself!
Yeah yeah i know if you Google “Being Productive” and you will see thousands and millions of websites talking about ways a person could be productive. Those websites talk about being productive for the benefit of some one else and not for your own benefit.
I swear the whole world is f**ked up and it will take a great realization for people to change their views. Unfortunately though my belief is that we will never come to the realization until its too late. Which is why I’m writing this so that people can realize that being a consumer is something a person should not aspire to be.
We need more Lions in the world because we have way too many Zebras running around.
Which one are you?
Lion or Zebra!
The post The Incredibly Sad Tragedy of Achievers and Producers appeared first on Helping Men Find Themselves.